Students around the world mark CNN’s #MyFreedomDay

Feburary 16th, 2021
In its sixth year, CNN’s #MyFreedomDay – a student-led day of action, supported by CNN and driven on social media – will take place on Wednesday, March 16, 2022
CNN will rally efforts around “The Choices You Make, The Actions You Take”, calling on young people all over the world to take the #MyFreedomDay Pledge – 10 concrete actions they can take to help fight against modern slavery.
Students can take the pledge here and join a global effort that will see thousands of schools and organizations from around the world participating, with more than 100 countries represented. Activities being planned this year among student groups will vary widely, and include live theatrical performances, film screenings, forums, fundraising for local non-profit organizations, among others.
Watch highlights of last year’s #MyFreedomDay – which reached more than 140 countries – here.
Find out more and read the press release.