CNN Arabic and UN Women in the Arab States renew commitment to promote gender equality through 2026

Providing a platform where every voice can be heard and every story can be told is fundamental to the ethos of CNN Arabic.  This partnership exemplifies our commitment to this principle.

Caroline Faraj, Vice President of Arabic Services, CNN International

June 26, 2024

CNN Arabic and UN Women in the Arab States have renewed their impactful partnership, which began in 2022, with a Memorandum of Understanding. The collaboration aims to accelerate gender balance, financial inclusion, and female employment across the Arab States. This renewal builds on the strengths of UN Women’s technical expertise and CNN Arabic’s unique position as a powerful media house with widespread reach to reinforce their ongoing commitment to these crucial issues.

Over the past two years, the partnership has made a significant impact by adopting an evidence-based strategy and creating compelling editorial stories and videos. Including an impactful commemoration of the ’16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence’, which calls for the prevention and elimination of violence against women and girls, and amplifies the voices of domestic violence survivors and supported activists and women’s organizations globally.

Looking ahead, CNN Arabic and UN Women will continue to focus on high-quality, data-driven content and strategic events that highlight women’s economic empowerment and their integral involvement in peace and security.

Read the full press release.

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