Nation branding with CNN TASK

Unparalleled results-orientated solutions for tourism and development communications

Strong, sustainable growth

CNN’s in-house consultancy, TASK (tourism, advertising, solutions, and knowledge) provides unparalleled experience and expertise in the creation of impactful, strategic communications solutions for nations and businesses across the globe.

Working with 100+ nations worldwide, TASK sets the standard of excellence in communication strategies and creative concepts to deliver measurable results during times of growth, and during crisis.

Task logo

Our Solutions

TASK has the critical industry experience and expertise needed to strengthen the impact of your tourism and development communications.

Strategic Solutions

Our services include communications strategy development, and crisis communications essential in today’s world of travel recovery and growth.

Brand Creation & Activation

Using our unique skills, we spotlight aspects of differentiation and competitiveness, and make the connection across cultural, economic, social and environmental assets to connect with your audiences.

Global Intelligence

TASK provides invaluable data and insights to build memorable, strategic solutions that strengthen brand awareness, connection, competitiveness, and advocacy.

Stakeholder Alignment

TASK brings together decision makers from both public and private sector to turn ideas and opportunities into impact.

Bespoke Workshops

Empowering government and business leaders with deep sector understanding to provide direction, maximise engagement, and inspire confidence in good times and bad.

CNN audiences are eager to travel

Icon Light Background - Air Travel
61% CNN consumers plan to purchase travel products online
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54% CNN business professionals would extend a buiness trip for leisure
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75% consider eco-friendliness an important factor when choosing a hotel
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74% say reduced carbon emissions are an important factor when choosing an airline

CNN Travel

We have long provided brands and nations with compelling ways of connecting with our valuable well-travelled audiences. Watch the video to see how.

Your story starts here

Want to target engaged audiences, license content or create authority for your brand?

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