The Business Decision Makers’ Mindset

A global report on what drives business decisions today

What keeps senior business decision makers up at night? The Business Decision Makers’ Mindset is a CNNIC study done in partnership with B2B International, spanning 14 countries and involving nearly 2,000 senior business decision makers, revealing their motivations, concerns, and business priorities

Key trends

Get an in-depth look into the nuances and impact of the decision-making process and discover the roadmap to the Business Decision Makers’ Mindset.
Trend 1

Optimism fuels business growth

81% of business decision makers are confident in delivering revenue growth in the year ahead

Confidence in driving revenue growth in next 12 months

81% of business decision makers are confident in delivering revenue growth in the year ahead

Trend 2

Cybersecurity is a new focus within digital transformation

Digital transformation is a top objective for 81% of decision makers with a third indicating it will become more important in the next year or two.

Top business objectives in next 12 months

Digital transformation is a top objective for 81% of decision makers with a third indicating it will become more important in the next year or two.

Trend 3

Sustainability is shifting from an echo to an action chamber

61% of business decision makers have changed or plan to exit partnerships with suppliers due to poor ESG or unethical practices

Changed, or plan to exit, supplier partnerships due to unethical / poor ESG performance

61% of business decision makers have changed or plan to exit partnerships with suppliers due to poor ESG or unethical practices

Trend 4

The role of values, image, and brand in decision making

81% of business leaders prefer to work with partners who align with their personal values

Prefer to work with partners who align with personal values

81% of business leaders prefer to work with partners who align with their personal values

Trend 5

International news stands out as a highly valued source

94% agree that international news is important for informing their business decisions

Importance of international news

Source: The Business Decision Makers’ Mindset 2024 commissioned by CNN International Commercial and conducted by B2B International. Base: All business decision makers n=1,913. Markets: Brazil, France, Germany, Hong Kong, India, Japan, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea, UAE, UK, USA

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