Discovering the art of leadership

Hero - BMW


During a year when BMW were not launching any new cars, it wanted to keep its brand top of mind with its HNWI consumers and align its values with the theme of leadership. Create worked closely with BMW to produce inspiring content across platforms showcasing its different car models and aligning itself to leadership through an artistic lens.


Create designed a multi-platform campaign that was targeted to CNN’s Luxury audience and HNWIs across digital, film, social, TV and TAP. All content focused on ‘The Art of Leadership’, with storytelling from an artistic perspective of several design leaders including Jeff Koons and Zhoujie Zhang. BMW has aligned itself with with the values of artistic leadership which was echoed through the films.


Icon Dark Background - Page views
40m Digital impressions
Icon Dark Background - People
18m+ Unique users
Icon Dark Background - Eye scan
13.5m Video views
Icon Dark Background - Multiplatform
607k CNN TAP impressions

Campaign Deliverables

Branded Content

Create produced six feature films featuring a selection of artistic leaders to convey BMW’s alignment with leadership and creativity. This film follows photographer Ellen Von Unwerth who explains her creative processes and the inspiration behind her work.


Create produced six complimentary articles for the digital hub​ with targeted display, native ad campaign and off-platform extension via AIM+.

Image - BMW Digital


Create produced several ‘behind the scenes’ content distributed on Instagram Stories​ and amplified using CNN’s in-house, intelligence-backed, social amplification tool, Launchpad. 

BMW - Launchpad


The campaign ran across hotels in Germany and UK Wi-Fi through CNN TAP as part of the distribution strategy. It aired in 27K hotel rooms and delivered 607k+ impressions.

Image - BMW CNN Tap

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