The Macallan

Showcasing shared values content

The Macallan - Man with camera


The Macallan wanted to create interesting and relatable content through inspirational artist stories and shared interest areas. Five videos across two separate bursts with renowned talent who have a genuine connection with the brand had been created by The Macallan. It then looked to CNN to create a partnership that would drive video views.


CNN’s global in-house brand studio, Create, produced a bespoke interactive digital hub which hosted The Macallan’s short documentary-style films as well as original branded content articles written to sit alongside the video content. Each article linked through to The Macallan’s site. Native banners and high impact RE/Form display banners were distributed across CNN’s digital network, hyper-targeted to The Macallan’s bespoke target audience driving users to The Macallan ‘In collaboration with’ own hub.

The Macallan - Man sitting at table


Icon Dark Background - People
20m+ media & social impressions
Icon Dark Background - TV
189K clicks
Icon Dark Background - Page views
97k+ content views

Services Covered

Digital Hub

A bespoke interactive digital hub which hosted the original branded content articles and showcased The Macallan’s short documentary-style films. Each article linked through to The Macallan’s site, allowing readers to explore further stories and interact with The Macallan brand.

The Macallan - Digital Hub


A range of digital traffic drivers to expand reach, hyper-targeted to The Macallan’s bespoke target audience, driving users to the Digital Hub.

The Macallan - Traffic Driver


Tailoring existing content for owned social channels, including CNN Style Instagram Stories, CNN Style Facebook and Facebook Instant Experience. This content’s reach was then amplified with Launchpad.

Instagram post - The Macallan

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