Navigating the brave new world

Image - DBS Hero Block - Navigating The Brave New World Shanghai 2


DBS wanted to drive conversation around sustainability, zero food waste and community impact and consider the next steps in creating the next normal.


We designed an integrated multi-media solution across TV, digital and social, including sponsored editorial and branded content films.

Image - DBS Screenshot Solutions Navigating The Brave New World


Icon Dark Background - Page views
279k Sponsor content site views
Icon Dark Background - TV
1.7m Total social reach
Icon Dark Background - People
223k Unique visitors

Campaign Deliverables


DBS showcased how it addresses the needs of society, business, people, and community. To maximise impact, DBS sponsored content and creative was aired alongside US election coverage.

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Sponsor Content Site

The sponsor content sites highlighted how DBS partners with its clients and the community to create a positive impact. The site also hosted five branded content films produced by Create that explored the perspectives of changemakers who have successfully navigated the pandemic.

View the ‘Portraits of Purpose’ site here.

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