Showcasing the partnership between technology and art

Image - LG Signature Hero


LG wanted to increase awareness of its brand as elegant and performance-driven, particularly in the brand story of its new LG SIGNATURE collection.


A short film and ad feature, following Herman Cornejo of the American Ballet Theatre, formed the focal point of the campaign. Through a wellness-focused approach, the campaign explored the relationship between elegance and performance. The cross-platform partnership was a visual and narrative campaign that focused on the discipline, craft and beauty of dance.

LG Signature partnership with the American Ballet Theatre featuring Herman Cornejo


Icon Dark Background - Page views
3.0m Native impressions
Icon Dark Background - Eye scan
6.2m Ad impressions
Icon Dark Background - Thumb Social
2.1m Social impressions

Campaign Deliverables


Through LG’s sponsorship of American Ballet Theatre, CNN used the opportunity to create a unique and interesting brand story of engineering and art to showcase LG SIGNATURE.

LG Signature ad feature site The Labor of Love on CNN
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Our social intelligence platform, Launchpad, utilised targeting data from CNN data and insights to reach the most engaged audience, Premium Lifestylers, and distributed content on Facebook and YouTube to drive traffic towards the digital hub.

LG Signature's campaign on CNN Style's Facebook page

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